Year 1 Courses
First-Year Undergraduate Course
The McMaster Immunology Research Centre introduces first year students to immunology with a dynamic research-oriented overview of current topics. This course gives new students the chance to meet faculty and to learn about MIRC’s current research directions and future challenges.
This non-comprehensive course features lectures and lively tutorials led by MIRC’s lead researchers to introduce students to interesting immunological topics such as vaccinations, allergies, autoimmunity, cancer, manipulation of immune systems and more. This two-lecture per week, textbook-free course will highlight MIRC’s impact in the medical field, and what MIRC hopes to accomplish in the years to come.
Dr. Carl Richards is the course coordinator and any questions about the course can be directed to him.
Year 3 Courses
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A popular Introductory Immunology course that provides the student with in-depth information about the development, function and coordination of the human innate and adaptive immune system and how it responds to various classes of pathogens. The course is offered annually in the Fall semester, coordinated by Dr. Kaushic and co-taught by Dr. Ashkar, Dr. Kaushic, Dr. Rosenthal and Dr. Stampfli. This course is a pre-requisite for most other immunology and viral pathogenesis courses. Two lectures, one tutorial; one term.
Prerequisite(s): One of BIOLOGY 2B03, HTH SCI 2K03, ISCI 2A18 or MOL BIOL 2B03
Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 3X03.
Please note: this class is very popular and often oversubscribed. Please register early.
Introductory Virology will focus on the basic principles of what a virus must accomplish within a host cell to ensure its continued survival. Topics such as binding, entry, replication, assembly, egress and transmission will be covered using medically important human viruses as examples. In addition, topics relating to virus-host interactions, pathogenesis and manipulation of viruses for therapeutics will be covered. This course is taught by Dr. Karen Mossman and Dr. Brian Lichty. Two lectures, one tutorial; one term.
Prerequisite(s): One of BIOLOGY 2B03, HTH SCI 2K03, ISCI 2A18 or MOL BIOL 2B03; and registration in Level III
Inquiry Immunology is part of the third year inquiry stream of the BHSc program. Students are provided with several recently submitted CIHR research proposals covering various topics in immunology. In groups of 3 to 5, you will carefully appraise one of these applications and prepare a written critique suitable for a CIHR review committee. At the end of the course, you will discuss and defend your critiques in the context of a simulated CIHR grant review committee, whose task will be to reach consensus on the relative merits of all grants under consideration. Our weekly meetings will allow for reflection on this process of peer review, its advantages, limitations and implications. This course provides students with an opportunity to deepen their immunology knowledge well beyond material that was provided in any of the didactic immunology courses. This course is taught by Dr. Martin Stampfli.
Prerequisite(s): HTH SCI 2D06 or 2E03 and registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) program; or registration in Level III of the B.H.Sc. (Honours) Specializations.
Please note: HTH SCI 3E03 may be repeated, if on a different topic, to a total of six units.
Year 4 Courses
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HTH 4II3 is a winter course that follows on the fundamental knowledge acquired in HTH 3I03. In this course, we seek to connect basic concepts in immunology to disease pathology and treatment. HTH 4II3 covers a broad range of diseases including autoimmunity, immunodeficiency, microbial infection and cancer. The course is coordinated by Dr. Wan and Dr. Bramson and many MIRC scientists provide lectures related to their specialties (Bowdish, Foley, Jordana, Lichty, Rosenthal, Stampfli, Snider). Two lectures, one tutorial; one term.
Prerequisite(s): BIOLOGY 3X03 or HTH SCI 3I03
Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 4II3
This advanced course, coordinated by Dr. Mark McDermott, applies problem-based learning to contemporary immunological problems that are commonly encountered in every day life. Topics concern innate and adaptive resistance to infections, immunological tolerance, autoimmunity, transplantation responses, vaccines, and a variety of additional topics in health and disease. Registrants will be guided to collaborate as a small tutorial group and weekly will propose solutions to assigned problems. A solid knowledge of undergraduate immunology presented in HSc 3II3 and 4II3 is essential. One session (three hours), one tutorial; one term
Prerequisite(s): HTH SCI 3I03, 4II3; or permission of the instructor.
Cross-List(s): BIOCHEM 4J03
Antirequisite(s): MOL BIOL 4J03
The premise of the course is that students will learn the fundamentals of virus pathogenesis, which include the consequences of virus replication in the host tissues (reasons behind symptoms manifestation), and the host defense against viruses. The course will focus on the study of several medically important, yet biologically distinct, viral infections. In a simple terms, we will study why and how we get sick following a viral infection. Recommended for students who enjoyed introductory Immunology and virology courses and who would like to learn more about host-virus interactions. Taught by Dr. Ali Ashkar. Two lectures, one tutorial; one term.
Prerequisite(s): HTH SCI 3I03, 3K03 and registration in Level III or above
Infectious diseases: identification, epidemiology and treatment. Two lectures, one tutorial (three hours); one term.
Prerequisite(s): BIOLOGY 2EE3 and registration in Level III or above of any Honours program.
Please note: Credit or registration in MOL BIOL 3O03 (or BIOLOGY 3O03) is strongly recommended.
Related Undergrad Courses
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The objectives of this course are: (a) to help the student explore in depth selected areas of modern biology that have a significant impact on health and disease; and (b) expose the student to the ways and means modern research is practiced. The course adopts a hybrid approach with a judicious blend of didactic and interactive sessions. In contrast to most first year biology courses, this course will be narrower in scope but discuss issues in depth. Course coordinator, Chari Rangachari. Facilitator Second Semester, Manel Jordana.
Prerequisite(s): Grade 12 U Biology and registration in Health Sciences I
Corequisite(s): SCIENCE 1A00. Students registering in HTH SCI 1I06 must also register in SCIENCE 1A00 when completing their registration.
Antirequisite(s): BIOLOGY 1A03
This course will introduce individuals to concepts and areas of research excitement in biomedical sciences. Two lectures; one term.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in Level 1. Grade 12 U Biology is recommended, but not required.
Please note: This course is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. This course is offered by authorization of the Dean of Health Sciences.